4 thoughts on “Collective narcissism: The destruction of reality, reason and society.

  1. Thanks for doing this. The narcissism around this movement is of course extreme, and it’s good to have this explainer for the general public who don’t understand much about narcissism and splitting and how it works.
    By the way, you have Lal’s name spelt wrong, it’s ‘Shaneel’. As he’s so obviously a malignant narcissist though, maybe it doesn’t matter about correcting that? I’ll leave that to you to decide. 😉


    1. Name change done. Not sure why I had Shaleel down there, cheers. I’ve read a lot about narcissism over the years and I have had plenty of first hand experiences with them, which started with my mother. I’m also autistic, so narcissists see me as an easy target because I’m not good at picking up on their games. This article also compelled me to read up a little more, particularly on the psycho-dynamic side of things. I’ve got a couple of things in pipeline, one about post colonial theory how it has been applied to New Zealand and secondly about how Critical Social Justice has hijacked how we perceive autism. Thanks for reading.


      1. I’m also neurodivergent with a narcissistic mother. That’s how I learnt about narcissism as well. Great fun. NOT. 😒 I’m more autism-adjacent though — with extra-empathy rather than extra task focus. I basically fit the ‘highly sensitive person’ type. I always had my mother and my sister guilt trip me into doing stuff I didn’t want to do so I could be seen as a ‘good person’. I fell for it hook, line and sinker, but I guess the experience has benefitted me as an adult in that I don’t fall for much ‘be kind’ guilt-tripping these days. I’ll look forward to reading both your coming articles. They sound interesting. I’m particularly interested in what you have to say about Critical Social Justice and autism. That whole area seems very fraught right now, especially for those of us who aren’t cowtowing to a particular party line.


  2. I’ve just come back and read this again. To me, the “extremely ambitious covertly narcissistic saviour group” are the biggest problem right? They are actually the ones leading to our downfall. Not just with gender ideology, but with different aspects of Critical Social Justice and even with the Covid-19 response (with so much of it not being based on actual science but the importance of appearing to do the ‘right’ thing being more important than actually doing the right thing).

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