Britain dutifully bows down to the ruling elite.

Congratulations to the people of ‘Great’ Britain for voting the ruling elite into power yet again. You certainly do know your place. Now they have a mandate to treat people with disdain and contempt, for the next five years. I always thought people in the US were dumb, but there is a new kid on the block vying for the title. How can a party offering no credible policies, with a history of inflicting misery on millions, with a leader who hides in a fridge when things get mildly difficult remain in power. I could glibly say you get what you deserve, but that would be grossly unfair to the millions who can see through this charade of thinly veiled fascism.

It would appear that many people from where I grew up in the north have had a lobotomy, believing all that the billionaire controlled media had to say pre-election, because surely they wouldn’t lie to the peasants. Would they? Or is it Brexit that swayed them? Now that you have your country back, so you say, is it suddenly going to become compulsory to sing “Ing…….err…….land” at nauseatingly high volumes while consuming copious amounts of beer? Is having a tattoo of a bulldog on your arse from the age of 10, going to be a new kind of branding?


Well done, you are now free, from what, I’m not entirely sure. The Conservatives will continue destroying workers rights at a frenzied pace. Expect full steam ahead with zero hour contracts, bogus self-employment, underemployment, all topped off with an ever eroding safety net. So when the walls come tumbling down following a job loss, nothing will exist to help you out of the mess. Well done, you must be very proud. “But we’ve got our country back”, you may cry. Have you, have you really?

The result would suggest that large portions of the populace have little capacity to critically think. “But we’ve got our country back” I hear once more. “But clearly not the NHS for much longer” I reply. I’m sure some will complain that I’m calling people stupid for their political beliefs. To clarify this, yes, that’s exactly what I am doing. If only some of these individuals could have put their crayons down or possibly read a book without pictures at least once in their lives, maybe things might have turned out differently.

In contrast to the US, where they were voting for change, regardless of what that looked like, it was ultimately a vote against the establishment, albeit misguided. Conversely, the UK have voted overwhelmingly for the establishment. I’m sure the Tories are delighted you all know your place in the societal pecking order. At the bottom, with a very expensive Oxford lace up shoe, made by peasants, kicking you repeatedly in the balls, while you ask for more. After 9 years of crippling cuts to public services, austerity, a decrease in wages and a health system which is about to be privatised, you still voted for a Conservative government. Amazing!!! But not in a good way.

Admittedly, the ruling elite’s propaganda machine has been running on all cylinders and it’s clearly worked like a dream. In contrast, vast swathes of people are about to enter a dystopian nightmare, orchestrated by people who just couldn’t care about you any less. Put a fork in the UK, it’s done! Scotland will rightly feck off into the sunset, as England will be led by a man who can barely form a coherent sentence. Supported by a cabinet who know nothing outside of their privileged, privately educated, corporate run universe from which they rarely venture out of.


You could have made it more difficult for the establishment, a glimmer of resistance protecting yourself from the bombardment of excrement raining down from billionaire penthouses would have been nice. Maybe more people could have searched behind the headlines of the Sun and the Mail to dig a little for the truth. Instead the population by in large responded to a hollow slogan, “Get Brexit Done”. At which point you ran in like a little puppy dog hoping your master would tickle your tummy. Instead of fighting for something better, you gave up, handing the nation to psychopaths, billionaires, millionaires and right wing ideologues.

The establishment will be laughing their collective cocks off, sat in their private London clubs drinking brandy and smoking cigars. Patting each other on their backs for getting the working class plebs to vote for the abstract construct of Brexit, over real issues such as; healthcare, education, public services and increasing poverty. The people of Leigh, Bolsover, Blyth Valley, and Durham among others should be disgusted with themselves, scoring an own goal of monumental proportions.

You had a chance to elect a decent man, who has fought for peace and fairness all his life, who wanted a better place for everyone. But you blew it Britain. Now you will have to live with the consequences, while explaining to your children and grandchildren what you did on that fateful day in December 2019. My sincere condolences for those who chose wisely, who could see behind the slurs and right wing bile. Good luck in the future, I suspect you will need it.

244 thoughts on “Britain dutifully bows down to the ruling elite.

      1. A ‘… decent man …’? Now, I am a retired, ex-working man with a social ethic … Oh! Hold on …. you mean that terrorist supporting quasi communist, spectacle-pushing-up-the-nose prick, Corbyn? I would have voted Labour, but not for that cretin and his race-conscious, imbecillic side-kick, Abbott.

        Liked by 5 people

      2. “With a history of inflicting misery on millions” unlike their political opposites communism which bestowed peace and contentment to the millions in that joyful social enlightenment known as the U.SS.R.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Having just read the article again, no, I definitely can’t find where I wrote about communism. If you have ever read Capital by Marx and compared it to what occurred in the CCCP, you will have realised that they were stuck in ‘state capitalism’. Marx states that socialism is the workers control over the means of production. The CCCP was entirely state controlled. However, your use of a straw man argument was both entertaining and very wrong, in equal measures. Thanks for trying, do play again soon.

        Liked by 7 people

      4. It’s got to be fixed or billionaires buying the election… I don’t know but I do know I didn’t vote for these morons… I do know that Alot voted for a man we thought could be our hope and that wasn’t boris.
        I love our green party and corbyn but alas nothing. Seeing a sea of blue shocked so many of us as it didn’t make sense.
        Everything you’ve put is true. So many of us could see this. I don’t hear much of boris.. I hear so much about how and why they got in and how it makes no sense. Our country is doomed.

        Liked by 2 people

      5. There was a lot of stuff going prior to the election. Mainstream media was determined to discredit Jeremy Corbyn and have been since his leadership win. Also the Tories spent millions on disinformation campaigns. On the day I suspect there were countless things going on judging by the many reports I was getting. The problem is, proving it. Take care, be safe.

        Liked by 2 people

      6. Who the hell do you think you are , you have no idea of the political situation in MY country . Labour have deserted the working man , made benefit claimants there target voters , made promises they would either not deliver or make the country bankrupt achieving them . The NHS today is having to deal with the repercussions of the previous labour governments PFI programme , New Gp Contract and no clinical benefiting waiting list/times targets … contracts that hospitals can’t afford to pay yet can’t get out of ….. we aren’t bowing down to anyone and as for the elitist comment , plenty of Labour MPs went to public school !

        Liked by 3 people

      7. Hello Jayne, I am a concerned person who was born in Manchester and lived there for 40 years. I’m presuming you think that on leaving the UK I list my right to have a view with regards the country. This is a fascinating idea, if not slightly dictatorial. Blair deserted the working class and made the middle class his target voters and was quoted saying that. I’m not sure what is so bad about trying to help all people, including benefit claimants. I’m not a fan of Blair but his government did not make the country bankrupt, the bankers did. You may recall this tiny financial issue in 2008? Incidentally the Tories have tripled the debt I’ve 9 years of

        Liked by 2 people

      8. Dear Jayne, it would appear you are one of the duped. Firstly I was born in Manchester and lived there for 40 years and spent 8 years in the navy, with 7 months in Bosnia for YOUR country. However, in your mind I guess I lost the right to free speech on leaving the UK. So I suspect you are not a huge fan of free speech. Blair actually targeted middle class voters. Although, I would have thought trying help all people who are struggling a good idea? Blair didn’t bankrupt the country the 2008 global economic crisis did. Austerity via the Tories since 2010, has actually tripled the debt. Even the IMF, not the most socialist friendly organisation stated austerity doesn’t work. John Major started PFI, Blair did however increase the use of it. The NHS is dealing with severe underfunding from an austerity driven government. I find it fascinating someone lecturing me on the NHS about waiting times, when I worked in a clinic for Bolton PCT for 7years. You have been manipulated by billionaire mainstream media and government lies. It’s OK, it happens to the best of us. Johnson is a Etonian elitist related to half the royal families in Europe. You also seem to have got me confused with someone who liked Tony Blair. I’m on the left, not a centrist. Good luck with your dystopian future, I suspect you’ll need it.

        Liked by 3 people

      9. What kind of a headline is that!!
        Jeez thanks new ‘Zealand Left’ for your message of support to those of us who have been crushed by the result, we barely got a mention.
        This is just another unhelpful, damming article adding to the suffocating pile already heaped upon those of us who would never dream of voting Tory..
        Articles like this play straight into the Tory plot. It promotes discrimination, blame and infighting.. Which provides the perfect distractions for Tories to get away with murder… Quite literally,in terms of welfare.

        HELLOOO ..NOT EVERY WORKING CLASS NORTHERNER VOTED TORY!! In Just the same way that not every person over 60 votes Tory either!!
        Surely any journalist worthy of reader interest would seek out the British northerners who proudly voted Labour… to tell their stories, to get their voices heard, instead of leaving them to not only deal with their horror at the result but also the fall out from descriminatory ignorance fuelled by dirty media.
        It really is now more important than ever for journalists to take responsibility for their words. Particularly left wing journos need to be absolutely sure they’re working for unity, solidarity and inclusion…And not unwittingly adding to the problems the far right have created.


      10. The ‘you’ was aimed at the working class people who voted Tory, I made that quite clear more than once. That’s the style I chose because it was a piece written in anger, shortly after the result. I’m not a journo by the way, nor do I pretend to be.


    1. Look at a baby and it’s inborn curiosity and thirst to know. What then happens?
      I’m sorely tempted to join you in flinging the word ‘stupid’ around but if I pause for a moment – I think there’s another layer needed to your analysis.
      The commodification of humans needed by the 1% begins before birth. Long-term planning by the ever increasingly powerful keeps most people increasingly under educated in poorly resourced schools through a national curriculum (what a brilliant tool to create for the purpose!) which is more and more devoid of anything smacking of critical thinking (despite the discovery that you can offer ‘Socrates for six year olds’ that silently disappeared). OK so more go to university but think about the context and the changing nature of GCSEs, A’levels and many university courses. Here you have it – an increasingly obedient audience for the same-intentioned gutter media selling the carefully orchestrated lies keeping people in their place.
      Labour needs to become much more sophisticated in its messages (and about the myriad blocks to getting these over) to attempt to get the nature of the lying understood through these multilayered barriers. Or we’re stuck in a vicious circle – to the delight of the 1%.
      Utterly gutted!

      Liked by 9 people

      1. I’m sure I’ll take a more measured approach on further analysis in due course, but I was angry and wanted to vent. I have covered a lot of the reasons in previous stuff. I chose not to be reasoned for a change at that point. Take care.

        Liked by 8 people

      2. The idiot who made the comments about Corbyn is very obviously one of those who did not get past picture books and easily brainwashed. Well wait and see what you’ve got coming, you’ll get no sympathy from me when you can’t afford to pay for an op or treatment for yourself or your family, or you lose your job and there’s nowhere but the street for you. Definitely a turkey!

        Liked by 8 people

      3. Perhaps Labour should simplify. Maybe avoid the tortured sentences involving ‘ myriad blocks ‘, and ‘ multilayered barriers ‘. Throw in a carefully orchestrated gutter media, and the ‘ commodification of humans ‘, then I’m pretty sure this is a spoof for Private Eye. Or the reason for Labours Love Lost.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. You only have to read Jayne’s reply to see how effective the right wing propaganda has been. Her answer is all the proof I need of why Labour lost this election. We desperately need to put an end to the lies and manipulation via the right wing media owners, but how we can do this is beyond me. I was hoping against hope that this would have been one of the first things Corbyn would have tried to rectify once in government, but we really are speeding our way towards, as you call it, a thinly veiled dictatorship. I’ve never felt more hopeless and powerless

        Liked by 2 people

      5. I’m just writing something along those lines at the moment This aims to be a little more analytical, rather than me just venting. If you look at the definition of fascism, there is a pretty strong argument that this is what is being witnessed. The campaign against Labour was meticulous, working on a couple of levels. Firstly it elicited strong emotions, that were powerful enough for people to overlook any facts or logic. Such as putting Brexit before healthcare, public services, education, crime etc. Secondly the 4 years campaign to discredit Jeremy Corbyn manufactured enough doubt. Again facts are not required, all that is needed is to provoke a emotional response. This tactic goes as far back as the WWI with people such as Walter Lippman and Edward Bernays and has been refined over the years. I appreciate you fears, it worries me too and I don’t live there anymore. Take care,

        Liked by 3 people

    2. I agree with you and there is no need to apologise for your anger, I feel it too. If nothing else during this election Labour gave us hope. As a consequence of right wing manipulation and a resulting general ignorance amongst it populace, this has been taken away. This is a beautiful country made ugly by its own stupidity.

      Liked by 2 people

    3. Every word you write is true. I personally was harrangued at work when my boss (and director of the company) told me not to vote labour and “couldn’t (you) at least vote Lib Dem”. This was said in front of the entire sales force. I have never discussed politics at work. And for the record have never voted Tory. I smiled sweetly and said I was a member of the labour party. At that point I began to think things could go very wrong. Jeremy Corbyn is probably the most decent person I have knowledge of. His intelligence, integrity and humility is beyond reproach. Sadly I am ashamed to be called British. It makes me want to give up the fight, but, for my children and their children, I will become more active than before. Thank you for your words. Sincerely, Alison Thomas

      Liked by 5 people

      1. I have a strong suspicion that this will embolden many right wingers in the margins. It feels like thinly veiled fascism. Even comments I’ve received from ex Royal Navy colleagues, have a tinge of menace to them.


    4. Whilst I admire your candor, get the facts right…. England bowed down to their elite, Scotland told them to f… off…..
      I’d appreciate you reporting on that fact instead of glorifying little England,
      We are no more English than you are Ozzies.


      1. The election was for the UK, so it was written in general term. I wasn’t about to dissect every region whilst in the middle of a rant, that took an hour to write. I also acknowledged Scotland by suggesting the Scots are right to feck off. Incidentally I was born in Manchester and lived there for 40 years, although I do hold duel citizenship. Secondly Scotland for better of for worse are still apart of the UK. So your NZ/ Aussie analogy is a little off. Is slagging off the English working class really glorifying the English? I think you may have been on too much Irn Bru.

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Just to clarify, Scotland is not a region – got it? If you insist that it is, then so is England.


      2. Region can be loosely termed for a country, county, continent or area in the context I was using. I’m not referring to Scotland as a region of England. Of course I know it’s a country, bloody Scots go on about it enough, how could I forget. You do realise I made it quite clear the difference between the two nations in the original piece.


    5. Thanks for putting into words exactly what I feel about the UK election. I would add that whoever made those hundreds of just under £500 donations to the stories and Brexit party (Putin) is laughing and celebrating. I used to be embarrassed to be American but now sad to be British too. Luckily for me I also hold a French passport so am Brexit proof. But I still live in the UK and have to walk down the street in my Brexiter town wondering who T F I need to scowl at.


      1. I just find it astounding that people put Brexit before the NHS, good education and well funded public services. Then they get upset because people call them stupid. I wouldn’t mind if the EU was the cause of their problems. You really couldn’t make this up. Take care.

        Liked by 2 people

      1. I know, I did that on purpose so you could talk down to me further. I like playing games. I did something terrible, I made a mistake. Have you ever done that? I suspect not. It’s all rectified now, you can put your metaphorical red pen away. But do you feel better, that’s the main thing. I surely do.

        Liked by 3 people

  1. 5 more years of misery and a country that now thinks that Great Britain is still a powerful industrial superpower that don’t need foreigners and is better off standing alone. God help us 🙏😢

    Liked by 7 people

      1. He didn’t turn himself into a rightwing populist. That’s what he is. He’s not fit for public office. But unfortunately a lot of people weirdly find him funny.

        Liked by 3 people

    1. I agree. People are brainwashed into believing that a system that provides people with effective social care and a NHS that works is a pipe dream and laughed in Corbyns face when he offered it to them. Like starving dogs they are grateful for the scraps thrown at them by the elite. I voted Labour in the hope of a better future for my daughter even though I also wanted to get Brexit done. I worked 37 years as a nurse in the NHS watching the struggle to meet impossible targets which are meant to fail in order to justify privatisation. My pension is only a fraction of what it should be due to austerity measures. My pay frozen for the last 8 years of working life while MPs gave themselves an 11% pay rise. Come on people, wake up!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Hi Julie, I feel your pain. I was a podiatrist in Bolton PCT for 7 years, now I’m nursing in NZ. People don’t believe you when you talk about the impossible targets and a lot of it occurred when Blair was in power. Luckily I got out shortly after the coalition government came to power, when I gather it got even worse. I find this election results truly bewildering, how you can vote Brexit over health, education and public services is beyond me. It makes no sense. Take care. Hang on in there.


  2. Labours right wing have responsibility also. Their 4 year campaign to paint Corbyn and the left as brexiteers and antisemities whilst sidling up to the Lib Dems (who were in government when the referendum took place) who were instrumental in implementing austerity, tore Labout into two. They attacked the membership, they preached their mantra of centrism – tory lite- polices above the needs of the many who were being pummelled. I will continue to fight for a real Labour government, but i fear the next 5 years more than I can express.

    Liked by 12 people

  3. What a load of rubbish! The people voted like this because there’s not a decent electable alternative. They’ve been driven to it by three years of turmoil and not having democracy observed after the EU referendum result. I’m sick of remainers trying to demonize those who voted to leave in the most bitter and resentful manner. Also many of the things that have occurred such as austerity cuts have been due to the excessive spending of the last Labour government who left the country’s finances in a right old mess. Anyway we’re where we’re at now and remainers are going to have to accept it.

    Liked by 8 people

      1. Well congratulations. You’ve got what you wanted. But this whole shit show is yours to own now. No more blaming us remoaners. for spoiling your Brexit. But you’d better make a success of it, because the blame is all yours to own as well if you don’t!

        Liked by 7 people

      2. Were these the same austerity measures that were introduced to bale us out of the debt Labour left?
        Just out of curiosity, can you explain why the debt has nearly doubled in the past 10 years during a tenure involving the Conservatives?

        Liked by 5 people

    1. Honestly? Trump instantly spoke up about how he is looking forward to enjoying our NHS, which I work in..I see poverty worse than ever and no hope for my children. From your rhetoric I suspect you’ve private Heslth Insurance. Seems you just dont care

      Liked by 4 people

    2. Seriously Nick where do you get your information from. Austerity is a policy designed to bring the poorest most vulnerable to deaths door. It was nothing to do with Labour. The global financial system ripped us all off.

      Liked by 6 people

      1. The one benefit to all of this madness – aside from Chuka and the rest of the CUKoos finally getting turfed out of the seats they’d squatted in since defecting to the Lib dems, of course – is that now Bojo has no-one left to hide behind. He’s got Parliament (supposedly) behind him, the House of Lords stuffed full of Tories, and no doubt he’s planning to pack the judiciary with hand-picked lackeys as we speak, so when he either a) fucks Brexit, or b) delivers a Brexit that fucks all his new working class accomplices he will have nowhere left to run. It’s his shitted bed, now – he’s got to lie in it.

        Liked by 6 people

    3. There were decent alternatives. They might not be perfect but they were better than what the Conservatives were offering. My parents suffered because of the cuts to the public sector. My Dad died untimely and in horrible pain because of NHS underfunding. My Mum was refused NHS funding for the care she needed because of thos cuts. Labour, Greens, Plaid Cymru and others would have put that right – we could have voted for free ‘social care’ for everybody, for a massive investment in renewable energy, in insulation, in sustainable farming, in public transport, in decent jobs, in free education – and so much more. But instead people swallowed the rubbish thata the most important thing was to ‘get Brexit done’. A simplistic slogan. Nothing substantial or real at all.

      Liked by 7 people

    4. It is funny how people keep talking about ‘the will of the people’ or ‘democracy’ without realising that democracy requires rules in order to function. Rules that Dominic Cummings has repeatedly violated in his tactics for the referendum and this election. The conservative-led DCMS committee looking into fake news and social media concluded our electoral law is ‘not fit for purpose’ and we can not currently have a free and fair election. This so-called PM has quashed the report into Russian interference and used every opportunity afforded by the outdated electoral law and corrupt Facebook platform. Could he have won fairly? I don’t know, maybe. Did he win fairly? No – the British people have been betrayed badly, but they’d rather get fucked by this serial cheat than not get fucked at all I guess.
      As for trying to blame the last labour administration – that’s extremely weak. Tories have been in for a decade! And 2008 was the year of the Global crash. Let’s take a moment to remember just who was selling the dodgy bonds that led to this global disaster and misery for millions – can you guess? Oh yes, it was our own effing Chancellor, Sajid Javid. Let’s also remember that he was a senior figure in Chase Manhatten when their internal memo was leaked that revealed them to be meddling in Mexico’s government. But surely our Home Secretary has some respect for the rules you say? Why no, our own Priti Patel likes to accidentally bump into foreign prime ministers whilst on holiday and not declare it. She also like a good hanging. Gove’s lied so many times he no longer knows what his real name is and Cleverly from Braintree likes to edit BBC footage to mislead the public, pretend to be a fact-checker – basically any cheat possible to win. There are so many more misdemeanours there are not enough hours in the day to list them. We are ruled by absolute crooks. Britain has truly plummeted to the bottom, but I dare not believe there is not further to sink…

      Liked by 14 people

      1. Absolutely. I am so angry that a party has won through lies, deception, misinformation and smears that managed to blinker the voters to their 9 year destructive track record. I firmly believe the Selfservatives, and BJ in particular, should be called to stand Trial for Treason. And that there should be a Class Action brought against them, the DWP and ATOS for Corporate Manslaughter of the many thousands and counting who have died directly and indirectly (eg driven to suicide) from Draconian Austerity Measures and inhumane sanctions etc.

        Liked by 10 people

    5. “the excessive spending of the last Labour government who left the country’s finances in a right old mess.” So you swallowed that Tory lie as well? Did you not notice the world wide banking collapse that led to all countries affected having to run huge deficits to prevent the actual collapse of capitalism?

      Liked by 6 people

    6. Nick, you obviously believe all you read and have ever read in the right wing press. I voted for brexit. I did not vote for the Tories, and I did not vote for no deal brexit or bad deal brexit ,those options were not on the referendum ballot paper. I am a lifelong Labour voter, I vote Labour through bad times and good times and I am disgusted by the actions of Labour voters who turned coat and voted Tory, thereby subjecting us to five more years of this appalling government.

      Liked by 3 people

  4. This is an excellent analysis of what as been come and as now gone in the UK. Friday 13th December 2019 will be the turning point for millions. But for the next five years they will have nowhere to turn.
    While the population talk about Brexit, I am personally planning my exit from what is about to unfold. Good luck England and Wales.
    I only hope that Scotland votes to emancipate themselves at the first opportunity. Many have voted using their once every 5 year say for less democracy less choice and less freedom. So let’s keep the elected government and their representatives under microscopic scrutiny and test if they are true to their word I think not.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Observing the uk from. Overseas and not living and feeling the day to day thoughts taxi drivers nurses etc we the people leave faith in those we elect in our archaic 12 the century system in a tech 21st century world . It has rainedd every day pretty much since September but the people on the streets are generally not sour faced . lots of our top clever clogs leaders and power freaks have gone to the sunshine of other shores making observations I live on the isle if wight poverty all time high miserable weather it’s not the NHS goverment or the wealthy it’s the lack of belief In our selves and unity who knows we could lead the way in 5 years but we are too tough to sit and die watch this space. Whilst you sizzle you prawns on your bbq.


    1. Were these the same austerity measures that were introduced to bale us out of the debt Labour left?
      Just out of curiosity, can you explain why the debt has nearly doubled in the past 10 years during a tenure involving the Conservatives?

      Liked by 2 people

  6. i am sad to say that, so many people believed the lies, many people who i believed to be better educated or intelligent than i am, but even when the fact it was a lie was pointed out, they said i doesn’t matter as its the point of the post, then under the next breath claiming left wing posts were fake (some were) but not the majority.
    it is gutter level politics and i dnt think we can ever go back from this.
    and whilst the right wing has won
    it was at the cost of giving away the support the most vulnerable in society needs.
    they are happy giving away services on behalf of those that need them the most.

    please New Zealand adopt my family 🙂

    i may not be a celebrity, but get me out of here.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I think you lose credibility by band calling the majority voters ‘Dumb’ some of what you say may be true, but not all, are you psychic? because at the moment we still have our beloved NHS and I think there would be a huge problem within the U.K. if this was sold off, although history tells us the Conservative party we’re against its inception back in 1948, I think a reason for the conservative majority was the unfortunate dislike of the Labour Party leader which has been openly recognised on the news this morning, by ‘poor representation and additionally the possible increase of Brexit supporters.
      It is common knowledge that the Labour Party suggested a second referendum. I appreciate your views, however please be a little more respect for those that choose to still live in our otherwise wonderful country! 😁

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You may have realised by the tone I wasn’t looking for credibility. I was angry and anyway I had no intention of being measured. I done 4 previous articles being restrained. I lived there for 40 years, I spent 8 years in the Royal Navy I don’t owe the country anything, especially not unearned respect. The nation screwed up and I won’t apologise for my thoughts regarding this unmitigated disaster.

        Liked by 7 people

      2. Wrong. We have not had an NHS since Jeremy Hunt handed it over to NHS England,the head of which is Simon Stevens; If you look him up he is from Kaiser Permante, an American private health company whose JOB is to find new markets for American healthcare companies. Has NOBODY noticed that whatever you go to a GP for now, you are given a pill. This is an example of your caring Tories. That will not be changed by the current Tories whose Leader recently said live on LBC that he wants to get Brexit done and ”
        ….do the ttip,,,,” wake up UK, we have NOT got our country back, we are NOT free and this is NOT just another 5 years of Tory Austerity, we have been handed over to the Americans lock, stock and barrel. I applaud you for your gullibility as will your children and grandchildren. RIP UK.

        Liked by 5 people

      3. It took less than 24 hours for the tories to openly state you’re not keeping your free health service. Damian Green Tory MP saying on @lbc that we all need to start paying towards an insurance type system to pay for our care.

        Liked by 2 people

      4. Excuse me please! The people of EN7GLAND voted for this shite! Not Scotland nor Northern Ireland. Your reporting is a somewhat inadequate by the use of the term ‘Great Britain ‘. Scotland is a country and has taken the absolute polar opposite direction from what you have just described!

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Thank you for trying to console those of us who feel devastated and betrayed today, and ashamed to be British. I cannot believe that the majority were stupid enough to vote for a liar who leads a party with blood on their hands, managing poverty by simply killing the poor off.*

    *From Wiki – OK, not the best source, but well supported by others…..

    In 2017, the Royal Society of Medicine said that government austerity decisions in health and social care were likely to have resulted in 30,000 deaths in England and Wales in 2015.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I worked for the NHS for 6 years. It breaks my heart after what’s happened. I left 9 years ago, I was born in Manchester and lived there for 40 years. I won’t be setting foot back there ever again. I’m done with it. The idea to write it was for some solace and it was kind of a cathartic process from me. I wrote it in about an hour.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. When I went to vote I actually felt really hopeful cos of how bad things got – Labour would have won easy. Now the only brexit I’m working on is leaving this turd country

    Liked by 2 people

  9. So fucking depressing. Labour finally had a decent leader, an actually DECENT person & the right wing of the party white anted him constantly because they wanted another Blair, another Tory-Lite Labour party.

    Like so many are saying, I hope Scotland leaves at the first chance & gets to stay in the EU, at least they seem to process information. Maybe even Ireland could use this moment. But as this article so eloquently says, never could I have believed that the UK was made up of so many obedient house-slaves. Good luck to the good people but fuck the United Kingdom, I hope this is the end of it & ‘Great’ Britain.

    Liked by 4 people

      1. Hopefully we will. But not without a massive fight. It’s not going to be easy getting away from our Imperial masters. The English empire has never just ‘allowed’ one of its colonies to become independent without a struggle!


    1. It’s not what we deserve. Most people here are still decent. But millions are under-educated and under-informed and they believed the lies, and they’ll suffer as a result, along with the rest of us.

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  10. Awesome article. This country is a disgrace. I just moved back after 4 and half years in Oz and it’s not the place I left. The referendum opened so many divisions and ah, words fail me. This better work. I’ve no issue with saying I was wrong but it’s going to be ‘told you so’ when we’re paying for health care and licking the elites arseholes just to eat. Boris Johnson is a massive tit.

    Liked by 4 people

  11. You paint a grim picture but I think it might be much worse than that.
    Have another look at the photo, Boris might be a blithering idiot, or a useful idiot to the right handler, but mark my words, that woman at his side is our next Mrs Thatcher.

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    1. If ever anyone wore their affiliation on their sleeve it is her. I can hardly bring myself to say her name – You want it Darker!? from Leonard Cohen’s last album, is on fast rotation in my mind. I try not to let fear take me over.

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  12. Wish I could disagree with you. Many of us over here are griefstricken and horrified. Thousands and thousands of people campaigned for decent policies for hours despite the cold and the rain, but millions of voters believed the lies of the rich and powerful. All the ‘progressive’ votes added together were more than the Tory and Brexit votes, but sadly under our first-past-the-post voting system we still got done over. Please try to encourage us in future – those of us in the resistance movement are indeed going to need some encouragement.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. On a more universal level, I have been thinking that we still have so much more to learn. A part of me wonders if too many people, with a Corbyn win, would think to themselves, ‘Well, now I have done my bit’. I think that what we should take from this situation is to carry on with the work on an individual basis – the only way we will find a better way of being. One day we may choose better who runs our countries.


      1. I think there is a lot to reflect on that we can use down the line. What I have acknowledged is that the Tories ran a very clever campaign, using a right wing populist, while appealing to the emotions of voters rather than logic. This has been known to be powerful for about a 100 years, starting with Edward Bernays during WWI. It’s a technique that has been used to manufacture consent for decades. The Tories managed to get people to prioritise an abstract concept such as Brexit over better health, education and public services, that would have benefitted the very people voted against this. You shouldn’t be able to win an election based on a 3 word slogan, but that is exactly what occurred. The left (me included) tried to combat emotions with ever more facts and that was never going to work. I think we learnt a harsh lesson on Thursday. A similar thing occurred with Trump.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. I wasn’t notified of your comment, and yes that election in some ways was meaningless, except to comment on something we already knew. People are suffering and rudderless. Thank you for your comment.


  13. Thank you for your wonderful piece which mirrors exactly how I feel at this moment. Thankfully I live abroad in Europe but I really worry about my fellow Brits now at the mercy of a heartless elitist government for the next 5 years.

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  14. Prior to the election, when most people I knew we adamant that the Tories would lose, I was saying that I thought they’d get a majority. My only reasoning was you’ll never lose a bet, if you bet on the abject retard stupidity of the British electorate. Good to see my fellow citizens, soon to be subjects again, have, yet again, proven me right when I I bet on their ignorance and stupidity.

    Any lingering love I had for this country is now gone, turned more to hate. The racists, fascists and morons have got their country back and in the process destroyed mine. I’m starting immigration proceedings ASAP, with new Zealand, in fact, being top of the list.

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  15. Not all of the uk voted the tories back in, and for the sake of the people that tried, spare a thought for them to have to watch the beginning of the end for the countries social conscience.
    Unfortunately though, more people did vote for hollow slogans than not, and 31% of people couldn’t be bothered to vote at all. The UK is a toxic country adopting vitriol and hate in place of compassion and pride in its achievements in being a forward thinking country that was the envy of the world. Now it’s just America pt.2.

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  16. I feel constantly like crying. I didn’t vote for this. I know a man who has won 2 peace prizes isn’t a terrorist sympathiser. I know the election was bought – with lies and misinformation. I refuse to have a TV and very critically read newspapers if I buy them at all. I do my own research instead. Lucky me. It used to be an advantage to be aware – now it just means I watch the horror in open eyed disbelief and pain while the ignorant are numb to it all.
    Sadly I can’t even afford to move abroad. I am trapped on a sinking ship watching the victims bail the water BACK INTO THE BOAT, which the elite pass overhead in their private jets laughing.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. This is exactly how I feel. I also can’t afford to move away, but even if I could I would resent it and feel guilty to not stay and fight for my land. The sense of despair I feel in the knowledge that those of us who just want to be part of a kind, caring and compassionate community are actually in the minority is overwhelming.

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      1. I don’t think the caring people are in the minority. But people who are basically decent still were fooled into voting for an uncaring party by the lies and the cheating. It’s going to be very hard to resist and get our country back but we have to try, and there are millions of us who are basically decent – we can do it.

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  17. I don’t understand, why is Brexit more important than homelessness, childhood poverty, food banks, cuts to public services etc….. Where are the massed ranks of the working classes? Society is broken.

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  18. Many former Labour voting towns in Northern England switched from Labour to Tory. Given the fact that many in these post-industrial areas openly burnt effigies of Maggie Thatcher following her passing in 2013. Given how Boris Johnson is likely to follow her policies of non-investment if not de-investment in these areas, it is more than a tad ironic they switched their vote in this manner.

    If it is insulting to call these people stupid, I think then another word is perhaps even more suitable: Responsible! Voters do not get off scot-free. They have to be responsible for those they put in positions of power. Those voting for Brexit and Johnson have to be responsible for their actions which will have decades-long consequences for the UK. No good blaming others for your decisions.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It wasn’t the time to be rational, I did it on purpose. I will be more analytical as I have been in previous articles at a later date. Now is not the time for me. I was meant to be insulting, that was the point. I grew up in a crap part of Manchester, I’m quite aware of the sort of people I’m talking about.


  19. Thankyou for that brilliant observation about the catastrophe that has hit this country. I was and still am extremely demoralized and feel hopeless for the future, especially for my children. All I can say is I hope that what has happened does not harm us interminably. I am most angry with the stupidity and ignorance of those people who think that Bojo will improve our country. What is most surprising is that in Yorkshire where I live, mining towns voted Tory. Either they have short memories or are very forgiving because it was one of the worst leaders of our time – Thatcher – that closed down their mines and ruined their livelihoods! Incredible! Also, those who voted Tory because they wanted Brexit done must be simply clueless because Brexit will NOT be done for years. Moreover, those traitorous neo-fascists probably thought this will “get rid of” immigrants! How do they think BJ will fill the vacancies in the health and education sectors without immigrants? Who will do those manual jobs that the indigenous British people think is below them? Just wait….all this will really devastate our country. Finally, I totally agree that Scotland and Northern Ireland should flee as far as possible from England as they can and I would like to go with them. This ship is sinking on Titanic proportions and I say let’s leave England to those “Little Englanders” to imagine that they will be “great again,” and believe they still have an empire! It made me laugh to hear a bloke on the news saying he didn’t want to vote for Labour because they would “take the country back to the 70’s”! Well with the Tories we’re going back to Victorian times! So sad. Friday 13th (that says it all!) 2019 will go down in memory as the darkest day in the history of England. RIP.😩😥😢

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks for you message and I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiments. It was horrible to watch Dennis Skinner lose his seat after 49 years, as well as Laura Pidcock going in Durham. Two wonderful people. I suspect things will get worse before they get better, as people who have been hiding in the margins of society will feel empowered.


  20. Britain is as screwed up right now as we are. It amazes me that people vote against their own self-interests, blindly supporting politicians who only care about themselves and their greedy friends. Hopefully we’ll get rid of trump after next year’s election, but it looks like Johnson will be around far longer. Putin must be laughing his ass off.

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  21. I thank you for saying what I couldn’t. Your piece lifted the pressure valve on my broken heart by saying what I wanted to say but not being able to. I attempt to adhere to a personal policy of not putting drama and energy into bad or dangerous situations. And yes, Anna Rose is right. This is the result of decades conniving and building to keep society unequal and skewed in the direction of the ‘privileged’ few, and I might be naive to think that it hasn’t gone on forever like the battle between good and evil has.

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  22. Labour have at last been beaten soundly by a leader of knwldge understanding Cordyn and Addott show what Labour have become and by the comments they are a bunch of pathetic morons with shit for brains

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for your insightful if poorly worded response. You must have searched high and low for the correct mix of monosyllabic words and expletives to put your desperately important point across. A career in journalism is surely beckoning for a man with such prose.

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  23. Thanks for this. It perfectly encapsulates exactly how I feel too. I’m also in NZ, having left the UK just after the referendum, but I worry a lot about my friends and family who are still there. The thing that’s grieving me the most is the vitriol and hate directed at so many poor, sick and disabled people who are expressing their fears at what might happen to them. One piece of pondlife even told someone highly distressed to “put themselves out of their misery”. Britain is no longer my country.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Good to hear from you. I purposefully didn’t go into too much analysis, as I wanted to allow myself to be angry and reflect that in the article. I think the Tories were smart, they skilfully used Brexit to keep people divided, hence why they have dragged it on for 3 years. They used billionaire controlled media very well, to discredit Jeremy Corbyn, while spending a lot of money on disinformation campaigns. Finally, they appealed to emotion and not logic, using the politics of fear. This was exemplified by the simple Brexit slogan aimed at eliciting an emotional response. The amygdala clearly overrode the pre-frontal cortex for many. Obviously there are many other factors, but the lack of compassion currently in the UK is startling. I will not set foot back there again. Take care.

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      1. Good to see you have nothing better to do that spout rubbish that frankly has nothing to do with you any more. Or is there an International Losers Brotherhood that you have to show you are supporting? Corbyn and the other “options” were a joke, you are “a Diane” if you think they were viable. Now go tend to your sheep.


      2. Thanks Boris for this high intellectual comment, it’s a shame you couldn’t write it in crayon. What you are saying is, although I have dual citizenship I now have no say. Isn’t that fascism? The funny thing is, I’ve got nothing better to do allegedly, but you replied to it. Not very bright are you? Bless. Oh and thanks for reminding about the sheep, must go. Bye.


  24. Condescending much, here.
    I never voted for the elite as you put it, but find your attitude disgusting . How dare you talk to us like that. Get back in your tiny little hole and do some more research on what is happening before you spout your mouth off..

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for you invaluable comments. It sounded like you enjoyed it. The ‘you’ in the whole article was aimed at the working class who voted Tory, not at you personally, unless of course you did. Sorry if that passed you by. I’ll be sure to do a colouring book version next time, to cater for all.

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  25. Thank you for your post I completely agree with you. I moved to France after 52 years in the UK and I’ve been here for over 15 years which means I have lost my right to vote in UK elections and am about to lose my EU citizenship as well. 2 things about France strike me as relevant to your article. 1. All high school students have to study philosophy, which develops their critical-analytical skills. 2. The dominant newspapers are local not national, so billionaire press-barons can’t mound public opinions by the use of sensationist and untrue headlines. Sure this makes the French more inclined to argue and strike but they do so from a rational perspective, not blind obedience to meaningless slogans.

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  26. After avoiding social media for most of yesterday I read an article about our local incumbent tory getting reelected with a sizeable majority despite a number of well publicised local issues. One comment was “this was the 2nd Referendum” and another comment rambled on about how Britain stood alone for the best part of 1500 years before the EU came along and how we’ll stand alone again as a trading nation. There aren’t enough face-palms in the world to justify responding to such comments. I feel ashamed of my nation now and wish I could move to NZ but I checked yesterday and we don’t have sufficient points to qualify. I suggested to my wife that we should move to Scotland in the hope that they gain independence but she didn’t find that at all amusing.
    It would seem that too many of the British population just got fed up of the “bickering” over Brexit and believed Boris will get it done but without conceptualising let alone considering the consequences of how we trade without any deals in place. The consensus seemed to be “I’ll vote for Labour next time”, however I can’t even think about contemplating how the country will look 5 years from now.

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  27. I think it was a line in either ‘Steptoe and Son’ or ‘Till Death Do Us Part’ where either Albert Steptoe of Alf Garnett said “My dad borrowed a suit and a pair of shoes in the 1930s to go and vote Tory”.

    What happened on Thursday is very akin to this.

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  28. Who the fuck wrote this? I have to confess I gave up reading half way through. I love NZ. In the last 8 years I have lived in half my time in NZ. It’s a model for the rest of the world. Regardless of my thoughts of NZ politics I appreciated what a great place it was but would never have criticised the country like this. I may not like the politics in the UK and the peoples vote and you accept the vote. If you are from overseas accept it and if you don’t like the democratic vote you have the luxury of living somewhere else. So very politely Fuck off.


    1. Hi Simon, thank you for your well thought out analysis. Sadly, unlike you I believe in freedom of speech and not some unwritten nationalistic rule, with ideas of not criticising a political decision in whatever country that may be. A decision that largely goes unchecked historically can lead to chaos, see Hitler for details. Furthermore, what you would or wouldn’t have done has no impact regarding my decision making, which I know may come as a bit of shock. There is a mountain of proof to suggest that growing inequality as supported by the Tories perpetuates; increased crime, poorer health outcomes, less social mobility, among many other factors. As a person who thinks more than about myself, I feel a moral obligation to challenge this misguided doctrine. It is fair to say that I will now do this with a smile on my face knowing this will antagonise people like your good self. P.S. telling someone to shut up for a difference of opinion is more akin to fascism as opposed to democracy that you tenuously claim to support. Have a wonderful, the interfering fucker who wrote this.

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  29. Unfortunately all the ‘stupid’ people won’t be able to read or understand anything you say – so they will remain (sic) stupid!! It is your paradoxical enigma. Only a Labour politician as stupid as Blair will ever win in GBR again! And he appears to fit your definition of the elite….


  30. Bollocks to the morons who voted Tory. They own it now. Because they don’t like immigrants in areas that have next to no immigration, they voted away their jobs. Genius. All yours now. You got your Brexit. Suck it up. You won.


    1. Thanks Bill for that careful well thought out, but concise analysis. I suspect the BBC will calling soon to recruit you. You seem to suggest I support Labour. I’m on the left, which never included Blair or any of his cronies. The Tories have actually made things worse, such as, tripling the national debt since 2010.


  31. The nastiest, angriest comments on here are from those who supposedly won. You have your Brexit, chill out, enjoy it in all its excruciating glory. This is what you have yearned for. You got your country back and all that. Cheer up, smile for once. Don’t let the anger eat you up from inside.

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    1. Yeah, that has been noted and not just on here incidentally. There are a lot of “we won, so shut up comments” all over the internet. Suggesting this is some kind of game, whereas, in reality people’s lives are in the balance. I am starting to detect thinly veiled fascism, with free speech first on the agenda. I hope I’m wrong.

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  32. This article has its heart in the right place: personally, I am terribly sad that the Tories have got in with a majority, and I dread the impact that the impending Brexit will have on the lives and opportunities of my family and friends.

    However, the glowing terms applied to Corbyn in this article suggest the author is unaware of the mess Labour has been in in the UK over recent years, and the electoral liability Corbyn has proven to be. This is clear from the leadership team he selected, the culture he fostered, and how key issues such as antisemitism and Brexit have been managed.

    The leadership team selected by Corbyn was weak. The party has a wealth of talented MPs (even after the defeat), but so many have languished on the back-benches; meanwhile his front-bench has been driven far too much by loyalty, rather than competence (take Richard Burgon. Please!). This situation speaks to Corbyn’s inability to work with differing views.

    The cultish nature of Labour under Corbyn (the need to be a true believer) has spread right to the front line. In recent weeks it has led to Labour activists offending or insulting people they were meant to be trying to engage with when canvassing – people whose votes Labour needed, and did not get.

    The way in which accusations of antisemitism have been bungled repeatedly by Labour over the last few years suggest carelessness that can only with the greatest of kindness be seen as incompetence – and alternatively be seen as denial or simply not caring about the issue. So many people on the left and left of centre explicitly stated their fear of a Corbyn administration because of the perceived failure on antisemitism. Whether right or wrong, the fact is that Labour failed hugely in addressing this fear.

    Coming back to Brexit, keep in mind that Corbyn insisted that we should submit the Article 50 request to begin the process of departing the EU immediately in the first days following the EU referendum,. This does not sound like a man who wished to protect the UK from Brexit. Further, it flew in the face of pretty much every single expert on negotiating international trade deals. Had Corbyn been in power at the time, the UK would have somehow managed to be in an even worse position than May’s ridiculously early announcement of Article 50. Over the last 3+ years, Corbyn’s approach to Brexit has repeatedly eroded trust: holding back opinions, changing position, never actually leading on the issue. Far from preventing Brexit, he has helped facilitate it.

    I guess another interesting point is that much of this relates to the electoral system in the UK: we use the (ridiculous) First Past the Post system, unlike places like New Zealand, which have a far better way of doing things! Anyway, the point is that, yes, the Tories got a massive majority, BUT this was on a *smaller* vote share than National got in NZ in 2017 (i.e. the Tories got 43.6% last week, while Bill English et al got 44.5%); also, obviously Scotland did not vote the Tories in such numbers. So, the lack of nuance employed by this article when describing “Britain” seems a bit naive to me, and certainly loses a bit of credibility.

    Anyway, I hope this is a helpful perspective – I enjoyed your piece, but felt that it oversimplified the situation somewhat. Also, I certainly share much of your upset over the electoral result!


    1. My knowledge of proceedings of politics in the UK is pretty up to speed, due to technological advances such as the internet. I read about 10-20 articles a day, as it is in my interest to be well informed. We just clearly have a difference of opinion regarding what constitutes a suitable leader. Did Corbyn make some tactical errors? Of course. He in my opinion pandered too much to baseless anti-Semitic claims, which from day one was designed to discredit him. He tried to be diplomatic regarding Brexit, which heavily backfired. Despite all this I still think he is a thoroughly decent man and the very change PM that the country needed. I agree FPTP is archaic, MMP as we have in NZ is pretty good. Finally this wasn’t meant to be a measured response, it was aimed at reflecting the anger I was feeling at the time.

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  33. Crybaby response to a democratic vote. The people did what they had to do to get Brexit over the line. The conservative party were the only real option for anyone that values democracy. Corbyn not committing to following through on his promise to respect the referendum result cost him dearly. That and having a white hating moron as Shadow Home Secretary.

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    1. The people voted for something that is largely symbolic, over improved health care, education and poverty. They voted emotionally at the expense of logic. We should, however, not be surprised, as this has been studied since Edward Bernays and Walter Lippman utilised this for the manufacturing of consent during WWI. Suffice to say it worked again, as people voted against their own best interests. Finally, I have no skin in the game so your ad hominem is somewhat wasted. Have a wonderful day.

      Liked by 2 people

  34. This is the complete opposite of the truth, it was a vote to get away from the ruling class in the EU and the thought process needed to write this article is exactly the left are losing all over the West from the writing style, the absolute disregard for the majority of the British people and even the ridiculous picture used to represent English people. I’m guessing since this site is moderated for comments this won’t go up but at least the mods will see it. Please wake up and help save the Labour party, not continue to bury it in this utter nonsense, the rhetoric used in this article and many like it over the last few years is exactly why labour lost. Get a grip of reality is the very basic start needed.

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    1. Unlike many on the right, I’m an advocate for free speech, so you will see this. This article was born out of anger of the result and the stupidity of the working class. Which, incidentally, I know well and warmly, having grown up in North Manchester and lived there for 40 years. This will not get you away from the ruling, this will actually afford you less protections and things will get worse for the most vulnerable in society, that I can almost guarantee . I’m ambivalent to the EU, I am certainly no remainer, but the EU are not the cause of the issues in former industrial areas. The issue is 40 years of neoliberalism, of which you have opted for another 5 years. If you had read any of my previous stuff, you will have realised that I have spent many of my most recent articles investigating working class issues. But, I was angry about the short sighted idiocy and I still am. You have all been duped by a very well thought out campaign by the Tories, which has tapped into people’s emotions, which have overridden any kind of logic. This is a tactic that has been used to manufacture consent since WWI, by propaganda aficionados such as Walter Lippman and Edward Bernays. It’s now been refined and the working class has been had, you included, it would appear. Otherwise, how could you explain prioritising something abstract such Brexit, based around a 3 word slogan over a better NHS, education and improved public services. It only makes sense when you understand tribal politics and the power of emotion over logic. Blaming Labour, especially a Corbyn led more socialist Labour is laughable. Enjoy further austerity, let me know how that goes for you. First up will be a private insurance type of NHS, an erosion of human rights and more employment instability. Enjoy!


      1. “the stupidity of the working class” enjoy losing forever. I have the utmost love and respect for our working class and I believe wholly in our people to decide on the future they want.
        You’re just nailing home my point on why the left is losing.


  35. Brilliantly written.

    I spent 25 years in Oz, mining gold, and have come back to this. I went out with a private school accent – the blokes in the pit went on strike, and the foreman said ‘It’ll cost you $150 on the bar in the pub tonight, and we’ll teach you Ozzie’ That night I lost all trace of that accent, and never looked back.

    Sadly, I think you have documented the end of England as we know it. What these people think they are going to achieve, I’m not sure. By destroying the ‘working class’, they are slowly destroying the people that feed their massive fortunes. My dad owned factories – he always said ‘you only create a true economy if you can make widgets to sell’. Now, an economy is defined by how much money you can shuffle around, how many shares you can short, and whether you go ‘long’ in the pound.

    I’m truly staggered at the depth of ‘mind control’ – we’ve lost friends over this – we voted labour, and told folks why – now they abuse us and don’t want to know us. The country is truly split down the middle, and getting worse.

    Where do we go from here?

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    1. Hi Peter, finally some sense. I wrote this out of anger. I’m normally much more analytical, but I didn’t want to suppress my feelings around this. I’ve lost friends through this too. What seems apparent is, Johnson cannot construct a valid argument to support their beliefs. It is purely emotion based and that’s what the Tories did, they tapped into the emotion of people. Otherwise, why would you prioritise Brexit over public services, the NHS, education, better employment conditions. In a rational world this make no sense. But this tactic of manipulating emotions has been used to manufacture consent for about a century, by people such as Edward Bernays and Walter Lippman. Sadly this will embolden people to silence any kind of dissent. Which is something I have already witnessed on social media. Take care fella.


  36. Dear leftinnewzealand, i came across your post by accident after it was shared by a friend on facebook. After reading it I felt compelled to respond even though I recognise I am probably opening myself up to a torrent of abuse both from you and your followers. Initially, I felt incensed by the piece but after calming down I remembered that we live in a democracy (albeit not your democracy) and I believe in the right to free speech. You are, of course, entitled to write anything you choose and I fully respect your right to do so. Equally, in my humble opinion, I and the other 69% of the electorate who voted in the UK election on Thursday (whichever way we voted) are entitled to do so without being insulted, ridiculed and demonised by someone who shares a different view. To suggest that these people are “dumb”, “must have had a lobotomy”, aspire to having bulldog tattoos on their arse, are so childish/uneducated they are unable to read a book without pictures or should be disgusted with themselves is to hold our democracy and the people within it in total contempt and shows an utter disregard for the core human values of respect and tolerance for the views and opinions of others.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Linda, context is everything. I wrote this shortly after the results and chose not to be measured and rational, because I was angry. I wanted to vent, so I did. I will at some point write a more analytical account, which is my usual style as seen in my four earlier articles leading up to election. But I am frankly sick of stupidity, I grew up in a crappy part of North Manchester and my family are from Salford so I have a pretty good idea who I’m writing about. I believe in total free speech, but I don’t believe in respecting people’s views, if those views are shown be detrimental to society. You can say whatever you wish, just don’t expect it to go by unchallenged. In my opinion, voting for a concept such as Brexit over, a well funded NHS, education system and public services is ludicrous. The Tories have played on people’s emotions and it’s worked a treat. Now the nation has voted for the same party that pushed 9 years of austerity, this is a view I simply can’t respect, primarily because it is going to affect millions of people.


  37. What a remarkably insulting, condescending, and grossly inaccurate headline, aimed at the good, honest people of Britain, who have just exercised their right to vote in a way that they saw fit. In case you’ve missed it, Britain has suffered from a totally paralysed Parliament for the last three years; how you can possibly describe the electorate as having bowed down to a ruling elite, is mystification enshrined.

    I will now read your subtext for my edification, assuming that you will tell me who I should have voted for ………….. but I’ll be pleasantly surprised if it’s not yet another meaningless, pseudo socialist, left wing, virtue signaling rant, by another expat that despises Britain, while disguised behind a facade of being concerned about its future

    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ….. PEACE


    1. Thanks for your gross generalisations and strawman arguments. I wrote this anger shortly after this debacle, to be fair I am still angry. Firstly, it suited the Tories not move quickly on Brexit, as they realised quite early on that this issue was highly divisive and they could accumulate a lot of political capital. Credit to them they were right. You do realise that the working class population has prioritise something abstract (Brexit) over a well funded NHS, education system and public services. For what? For something that actually hasn’t been the cause of the issues within the former industrial areas of the UK or anywhere else. I’m ambivalent towards the EU, however, 40 years of neoliberalism has largely caused this, not the EU. Immigrants haven’t taken job or lowered wages. There are mountains of academic evidence to support this. Neoliberalism has been the problem and now 9 years of austerity, of which you have now voted for another 5. For what? To get your country back? What practically speaking does that even mean? The Tories have played on people’s emotions and it’s worked beautifully. This has been a tactic used by the ruling elite for at least 100 years, pioneered by people such as Edward Bernays and Walter Lippman in the US during WWI. I am deeply concerned about the people because it’s pretty obvious where this is going to lead. More poverty, increased inequality, a privatised health service, an education system that prioritises education and ever dwindling public services. Why do I know this, because this has happened for the last 9 years and non of it has anything to do with the EU. It doesn’t please me to say it, but you’ve been had. Incidentally I don’t owe the UK anything, I spent 8 years in the navy, some of it Bosnia and 7 years in the NHS working in some of the worse parts of the North West.

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  38. Thanks for your reply to me, but I would like to raise a couple of points with you; firstly, you said:

    “You do realise that the working class population has prioritise something abstract (Brexit) over a well funded NHS”

    Well, Boris Johnson is about to enshrine into law, a commitment to raise NHS spending year on year, with a legislative program to raise spending to £33.9 Billion by 2023-24. This will be announced in the Queens speech on Thursday, and will be the first time in history that a government has made such a legally binding pledge, over several years. So, you have clearly got that one wrong, although I have a feeling admitting it might not quite be up your Strasse.

    Secondly, you said: “I am deeply concerned about the people because it’s pretty obvious where this is going to lead. More poverty, increased inequality, a privatised health service, an education system that prioritises education”

    Well, the enshrinement into law of NHS funding in my first point, clearly negates any possibility of privatising the health service, and I’m not sure what you want an education system to prioritise, if it’s not education ?
    Cheers ✌️


    1. You may remember, there was also a law requiring Mr. Johnson to write a letter to the EU regarding the need for an extension during the agreement negotiations. The law requested a signed letter to that effect. As we all know, clever, above-the-law Mr. Johnson did indeed write a letter, didn’t sign it, then immediately sent a second signed letter advising the EU to ignore the first letter. Ho ho ho. What a card. We can certainly trust this man to uphold the law.

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