Britain dutifully bows down to the ruling elite.

Congratulations to the people of ‘Great’ Britain for voting the ruling elite into power yet again. You certainly do know your place. Now they have a mandate to treat people with disdain and contempt, for the next five years. I always thought people in the US were dumb, but there is a new kid on the block vying for the title. How can a party offering no credible policies, with a history of inflicting misery on millions, with a leader who hides in a fridge when things get mildly difficult remain in power. I could glibly say you get what you deserve, but that would be grossly unfair to the millions who can see through this charade of thinly veiled fascism.

It would appear that many people from where I grew up in the north have had a lobotomy, believing all that the billionaire controlled media had to say pre-election, because surely they wouldn’t lie to the peasants. Would they? Or is it Brexit that swayed them? Now that you have your country back, so you say, is it suddenly going to become compulsory to sing “Ing…….err…….land” at nauseatingly high volumes while consuming copious amounts of beer? Is having a tattoo of a bulldog on your arse from the age of 10, going to be a new kind of branding?


Well done, you are now free, from what, I’m not entirely sure. The Conservatives will continue destroying workers rights at a frenzied pace. Expect full steam ahead with zero hour contracts, bogus self-employment, underemployment, all topped off with an ever eroding safety net. So when the walls come tumbling down following a job loss, nothing will exist to help you out of the mess. Well done, you must be very proud. “But we’ve got our country back”, you may cry. Have you, have you really?

The result would suggest that large portions of the populace have little capacity to critically think. “But we’ve got our country back” I hear once more. “But clearly not the NHS for much longer” I reply. I’m sure some will complain that I’m calling people stupid for their political beliefs. To clarify this, yes, that’s exactly what I am doing. If only some of these individuals could have put their crayons down or possibly read a book without pictures at least once in their lives, maybe things might have turned out differently.

In contrast to the US, where they were voting for change, regardless of what that looked like, it was ultimately a vote against the establishment, albeit misguided. Conversely, the UK have voted overwhelmingly for the establishment. I’m sure the Tories are delighted you all know your place in the societal pecking order. At the bottom, with a very expensive Oxford lace up shoe, made by peasants, kicking you repeatedly in the balls, while you ask for more. After 9 years of crippling cuts to public services, austerity, a decrease in wages and a health system which is about to be privatised, you still voted for a Conservative government. Amazing!!! But not in a good way.

Admittedly, the ruling elite’s propaganda machine has been running on all cylinders and it’s clearly worked like a dream. In contrast, vast swathes of people are about to enter a dystopian nightmare, orchestrated by people who just couldn’t care about you any less. Put a fork in the UK, it’s done! Scotland will rightly feck off into the sunset, as England will be led by a man who can barely form a coherent sentence. Supported by a cabinet who know nothing outside of their privileged, privately educated, corporate run universe from which they rarely venture out of.


You could have made it more difficult for the establishment, a glimmer of resistance protecting yourself from the bombardment of excrement raining down from billionaire penthouses would have been nice. Maybe more people could have searched behind the headlines of the Sun and the Mail to dig a little for the truth. Instead the population by in large responded to a hollow slogan, “Get Brexit Done”. At which point you ran in like a little puppy dog hoping your master would tickle your tummy. Instead of fighting for something better, you gave up, handing the nation to psychopaths, billionaires, millionaires and right wing ideologues.

The establishment will be laughing their collective cocks off, sat in their private London clubs drinking brandy and smoking cigars. Patting each other on their backs for getting the working class plebs to vote for the abstract construct of Brexit, over real issues such as; healthcare, education, public services and increasing poverty. The people of Leigh, Bolsover, Blyth Valley, and Durham among others should be disgusted with themselves, scoring an own goal of monumental proportions.

You had a chance to elect a decent man, who has fought for peace and fairness all his life, who wanted a better place for everyone. But you blew it Britain. Now you will have to live with the consequences, while explaining to your children and grandchildren what you did on that fateful day in December 2019. My sincere condolences for those who chose wisely, who could see behind the slurs and right wing bile. Good luck in the future, I suspect you will need it.

244 thoughts on “Britain dutifully bows down to the ruling elite.

  1. I agree. People are brainwashed into believing that a system that provides people with effective social care and a NHS that works is a pipe dream and laughed in Corbyns face when he said it could be done. Like starving dogs they are grateful for the scraps thrown at them by the elite. I voted Labour in the hope of a better future for my daughter even though I also wanted to get Brexit done. Well we have been done all right.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Can you change that to ENGLAND please
      In Scotland they lost over half their seats and hopefully they will lose their last colony(Scotland) later this year if we get our way

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’ll stand by my heading for a couple of reasons. Firstly the election was for the whole of Britain and collectively the UK voted for the Tories. As it stands Scotland is still part of the union. Secondly I wrote this shortly after the result, making a conscience decision for it to reflect my anger at the time. I didn’t want it to be analytical, it certainly wasn’t the time to break down who voted what region by region. Finally, I did make it quite clear the differences between the English mindset and the Scottish mindset, when suggesting that Scotland would rightly seek independence.


      2. Scotland is a Country not a Region of England , Scots are Sovereign, not any Monarch or Parliament .
        United KingdomS is a voluntary political Union not a Country ,and Britain is applicable only to England and Wales ,named as Britannia by the Romans ,the Romans never conquered the Scots does not apply to Scotland .

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I never said it was a region of England. I said I wasn’t going to do a regional breakdown. Scotland is still part of the UK. It’s times like this when I wish they had built the wall higher. I’m not going to get involved in some independence or historical debate. Whether you like it or not the election on the 12th December was for entirety of the UK and the overall result was for the Tories.


      4. The last colony is Wales and I can’t wait for my country to leave the Union. Brexit poverty will see it happen quickly.


      5. I still find it hard to believe that anyone with half a brain or just a tiny bit of conscience could vote for the party and the leader, the worst of both so far, except, maybe Thatcher. I am 71. Too old to get away from it now but I hate them and everything that they stand for. They are the pits and Jeremy Corbyn was such a brilliant choice to make but they didn’t and now we are going to suffer for it.


  2. Dude, I have no idea quite what media you use to form your opinion over there but that is one hell of an upside down view of everything happening back here in the UK. The ruling elite have spent the last 3 years doing absolutely everything they can to stop Brexit and make the democratic vote of the people as nothing. For example – the judiciary suddenly deciding that this was not a purely legislative matter but one on which they could prioritise their own personal political opinions. (“Unanimous” – your ‘aving a laugh, the Master of the Rolls had decided the other way just the week before !)
    I could list hundreds of anecdotes from the Speaker, through the CBI, the Governor of the Bank of England and on and on, for ever, everyone of whom intervened to the max to thwart the expressed wish of the people. Talk of government of the people, by the people, for the people – the elite decided as our decision did not match their own personal one, we were to have another one and this time – get it right.

    Not that they were acting out of character – in every democratic vote that has ever taken place in the jurisdiction of the Eurpean Union that offered censure, another vote has taken place, after sufficient education of the population (aka – scaring the shit out of people with tales of planes dropping out of the sky and the like). No, the elite decided that we were to have another vote and we would, like everyone else beforehand, get it right second time.
    Don’t believe me ?
    Denmark 1992, 50.7% No. Post Project Fear, 1993 56.7% Yes
    Ireland 2001, 54% No. Post Project Fear, 2002 62% Yes
    France 2005 55% No. Project Fear did not seem to be working quite as it should so the French ruling elite, (go on let me write that again) the French ruling elite decide that the people were too dumb to be allowed to vote and decided in 2008, that’s right three years later, that around 740 senators should be entrusted with the vote and of course, they voted yes 560 to 181.
    Ireland 2008 53% No. Post Project Fear, 2009 56.7% Yes
    Well the ruling elite very much wanted Brexit overturning so we could follow a path of ever closer political union with an organisation that has “lack of accountability” seemingly designed into every single foundation stone of its governance, just as much as it has oodles of “gravy train” for those few fortunate enough to be close to its administrative heart.
    Well they got a second popular vote and it was not what the elite wanted.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. The problem is you’ve been suckered in by Brexit and its perceived importance. By leaving the EU in practical terms, how does the UK gain? For the record I’m ambivalent towards the EU. It’s largely irrelevant. To a socialist this is laughable, as it’s neoliberalism in Europe and neoliberalism under Johnson out of the EU. The whole thing was seen early on by the Tories as a way of keeping people divided the longer it dragged on. This provided great political capital, which worked a treat for them. Now you are here arguing about who dragged it on, as if that even matters. The ruling elite exist on all sides, but to not consider the Tories as the ruling elite is bizarre. Especially considering they’ve presided over some of the most callous austerity measures ever seen. They are not anti-establishment, as they like to portray themselves, they’ve been in power for 9 years. They are the establishment and people have gladly voted for 5 more years of it. Johnson was smart, he demonised the EU as the establishment, while presenting the Tories as anti-establishment. Classic populism tactics and it worked really well. Now you have 5 years of poorly funded public service and a privatised NHS to look forward to.

      Liked by 6 people

      1. Wow, it’s a long time since I’ve read, in one article (supposedly of the left/liberal variety), such a vicious attack on the working class; the poor and, through unemployment and austerity, the disenfranchised. The author variously describes this ‘sub-human group’, as dumb/stupid; lobotomised, with little capacity to think- tattoo bearing since the age of 10; who cannot read a book without pictures and who drink copious amounts of beer and who, as a result, in the warped mind of this particular writer, deserve everything they get! Just wow! If this really is how the LP’s London and southern English middle class membership and supporter thinks, then a new left party is urgently required to win back and give voice to these very people, who are demonised in this article.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Hi Diana, I’m a working class man from a crappy part of North Manchester. I was there when all the papermills shut down and there were no jobs to speak of. Although, I got out and joined the navy at 16. It wasn’t meant to be a measured critique. I was angry that many people succumbed to emotion and voted for something that practically make little difference compared to; health, education and public services.

        Liked by 7 people

      3. And your post is an excellent example of why Corbyn and his communist friends had it’s worst electoral defeat since 1935. I would suggest you look after your own back yard as you are obviously illiterate on historical politics in this country. Try reading about the Labour movement during the 1970s and 80s and you just might learn something and begin to understand why this time round Labour lost their heartlands, where the old saying was you could throw a red blanket on a donkey and the people would vote for it or they weighed the Labour votes they didn’t count them.


    2. The ruling elite has fought Brexit?! And your example is a court ruling that suspending Parliament was illegal because Johnson openly lied to the Queen as to the reason for it? It appears you feel that the ruling elite have a gods given right to lie, cheat and trample all over the sovereignty of this country. But you don’t grasp that the man who amused himself in college by burning £20 notes in front of homeless people is actually one of the elite? As is Farage, and Gove.
      I live in an agricultural community and a colleague of mine, who’s job is selling to farmers, is adamant he wants a crash-out Brexit. And gloats like frack at me because Johnson’s going to deliver Brexit, probably crashing out.
      The National Farmers Union states that a crash-out Brexit will be catastrophic for the farming industry. He will probably lose his job, certainly see his sales, and commission, drop considerably.
      He, just like you, is very clearly one of the people this article is attacking.

      Liked by 2 people

    3. The people who will benefit from Brexit are multi- millionaire and billionaire tax evades like Aaron Banks who campaigned for it. If you think civil servants and judiciary are the real elite you are seriously deluded. Brexit is a fraud and a sham.

      Liked by 2 people

    4. So you think Corbyn in No 10 and Dianne Abbott as Home Secretary was a credible option. Most people in the UK think not and did not like Labours give away policies which we all know have to be paid for in the end. Plus most pensioners have done well out of the Conservative Gov with the triple lock pension policy. Most people think we will get on with Brexit and get other things done now Boris has a good majority. People are sick and tired of parties just spending hours arguing and getting nothing done.


      1. I think you just made the author’s point very well, believing Brexit will make a tangible, positive difference and that the party of the elite which has made devastating cuts for the last nine years, disproportionately blighting lower earners, is suddenly going to reverse all that and “make Britain great again”. Many decent people have allowed themselves to become completely deluded.


  3. This makes me really cross, I agree with the sentiment of it, but it’s so insulting. There were vast swathes of us who voted for Labour and for other parties, not every Britain voted Tory. It’s bad enough we’ve got to put up with this government for the next four years, without obnoxious articles adding to the sadness some of us are feeling. It would be an amazing article if it spoke to those who specifically voted Tory and not addressed to all Britains.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You find the truth insulting? What I find deeply insulting and distressing is the thousands of people living homeless, thousands more living in poverty, an HNS appallingly underfunded and now to be privaised by this government, thousands of sick and disabled people of which I am one subjected to hatred and persecution by this same government to the extent thousands have been killed. Yet people voted for all this to continue all for a blue passport. Will this blue passport save your life if you have a heart attack? Will this blue passport get homes for the homeless? No it will not yet you consider this blue passport more important than life or death. I find this very very insulting to all those who have suffered and died under this ruling elitist government you’ve just voted in

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You are talking. As if the nhs has just started to be under funded and nt up to the job .the nhs has struggled for years.homelessness has gone on for years .its a combination of successive governments that’s caused it nowt just now .By the way I’m not a Tory.


      2. Hi Barry, I agree this is a long term problem. I worked for the NHS as a podiatrist at Blackburn with Darwen PCT and Bolton PCT under Blair, it was horrendous, with deadlines that were impossible to achieve. I suspect it’s about to get a lot worse, it also got much worse following 2008. I despised Blair, I’m guessing he was the start of the mistrust of Labour in working class areas. I’ve got plenty of other stuff that goes into things in more detail. This was no more than an angry rant following the result.


  4. Don’t you think we would have voted differently if we had an even half-decent alternative? The Labour Party has been in a terrible mess for the last four and a half years.

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    1. I think Corbyn was a good candidate and one of the best manifestos since WWII. But the bile that had been made up about him in the mainstream media, plus being stabbed in the back by his own party on numerous occasions wasn’t going to help. I’m sure the centrists will come out the woodwork now to wrestle control of the party.

      Liked by 6 people

    2. Absolute bollox.You been living in a cave for the last four years,quite obviously you have and with your fingers in your ears.Let me give you a few names to ponder.Daily Mail,Sun,Telegraph,Daily Express.Friends of Israel,Chief Rabbi,back stabbing Blairites,BBC.
      That enough for you?If not go to the University Loughbrough research which shows the kind of media coverage the Labour party got and especially Corbyn.Ask yourself this,Why was he the most vilified politician in Britain in a hundred years?
      His programme was no different to that which was introduced by Labour in 1945….and gave us the NHS.
      My word for your sort?Traitor

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  5. @ Linda December 16

    Excellent comment Linda, and also very courageous considering leftinnewzealand’s propensity to defend any criticism with abuse, insults and condescending put downs, rather than engage in any form of reciprocal debate.

    You’re obviously aware by now, that he doesn’t do reasonable exchanges of opinion, so debate is not an option with him; his only currency is intimidatory belittling of anyone that does not drink from the font of extreme left wing liberalism.

    It is difficult to escape from the realisation that he is simply a bully, and like all bullies the need to feed this odious character deficiency by habitually abusing others is insatiable.

    You will notice the contemptuous attitude that he lacks the subtlety to disguise in all reply’s to any opposing comments, juxtaposed against the perfunctory, patronising reply’s to the fawning underling’s that make up his fan base; and you can tell that when he replies thanking them, he is so proud, in the same way that a toddler is proud of his first turd.

    Comments he makes are riddled with inaccuracies, bereft of any facts, evidence or substantiating links, but still he waffles on, spitting out cliché after cliché, raining down on us all like spittle from a cloud; he has used ‘neoliberalism’ so many times, I think it must be tattooed on his forehead……… just to the left of the one that says, inaccurately, “privatisation of the NHS”
    I await some more attempted bullying, even though he has selectively ignored a previous comment I made exposing his tenuous relationship with accuracy or the truth.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. That’s a gross generalisation about my responses Bryan. But why let a good yarn get in the way of the truth. I’ve received a lot of comments, a few quite disparaging, so I’ve engaged in some playful fun. This has clearly passed you by, like many things I would imagine. Actually, I worked for Bolton PCT NHS and I can assure you there has been in process of privatisation by stealth for years. Your interesting use of the word bullying is fascinating and purely used to control dialogue. This is not what I do for a living, so excuse me if I don’t hang on your every word. You’ve clearly got more time on your hands than me. I’ll repeat, this purposefully wasn’t meant to be a measured response. It’s a polemic. See previous stuff I wrote for a more reference laden style of writing. Read David Harvey’s book regarding neoliberalism, then you may have a clue what I’m talking about. We have been in this state since 1979. Ooooh I wonder what happened then. I’m glad you’ve found a friend in Linda. I hope you’ll be very happy together (yes that was a joke or bullying, dependent on your perception).

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Do you honestly believe the NHS is safe in the hands of Boris Johnson or any Conservative? Did you not see the video clip of Trump & Theresa May were Trump says “ absolutely the NHS is on the table, everything will be on the table in a trade deal“ & you are telling me the NHS will not be privatised? you sir are either deluded or ill informed.
      The writer of this piece has hit the nail right on the head & I concur with everything he has said. Before you jump down my throat, I voted Leave 2016 as did all my family & friends but I/we did not vote to shafted by the most unscrupulous, lying, unprincipled, bigoted, fascist dictator the UK has ever seen.

      Liked by 4 people

  6. Once again, someone outside Scotland that cannot tell the difference between England and the U.K. Despite some Tory gains, Wales still voted Labour. Northern Ireland returned a republican majority; including 3 of the 4 Belfast seats; for the first time ever. Scotland overwhelmingly rejected Brexit and the Tories. Forty eight out of fifty-nine seats now in SNP hands. The Tories losing over half their Scottish seats and their majorities vastly reduced in all but one the seats they did cling on to. The people of Scotland know the damage Brexit will do. They know the damage the Tories will do. We remember the damage done to our industrial heartlands by Maggie Thatcher. The election was a watershed, all ready ‘Scottish’ Labour are speaking of embracing IndyRef2. When it does work the scare tactics of ‘Better Together’ wont work. No amount of ‘vows’ will save the union this time. Scotland will sail off, not into the sunset but into the welcoming arms of the world, while insular Little England self destructs.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I wasn’t about to break it down region by region. It was an angry rant. Once again someone from Scotland who is on a hair trigger. It’s not personal. I did acknowledge Scotland going their own way, but it would appear you filtered that out. Anyway the election was UK wide and that’s how I summarised it. Bloody Scots, I knew the wall should have been built higher.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. “I knew the wall should have been built higher.” on the contrary, the border should be brought down to the wall (Hadrian’s Wall) and most of Newcastle would agree with me !!

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    2. Maybe you should consider that both the price and volume of oil has, and continues to plummet, and Scotland rather than propping up the UK reaches out with its begging bowl, courtesy of English largesse.

      You don’t even get near meeting the fiscal or currency entry criteria for the EU.The day after independence Scotland would need a currency, an army, a navy, an Air Force, more than 100 embassies, a new passport, work permits to work in the UK, and much more. Ready for that ?

      What will you do if Greenland invades, send out your three trawlers, because that’s all you’ve got left, since the EU confiscated your territorial fishing waters. Tell wee krankie to get on with her day job and stop this self harming, delusional obsession with Indy 2. …… PEACE ✌️ 🤓🙏

      Liked by 2 people

      1. What is it about those supporting Brexit and not supporting Scottish independence put so much energy into telling others why the EU and/or Euro is about to collapse and that Scotland could not survive as an independent country. Scottish voters are hardly uninformed and I doubt need monologues on why a vote for independence is a bad idea any more than an ever-thriving EU would take seriously the endless claims of imminent doom that come from across the Channel

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    3. Correct Bryan the little Englanders and their hatred, prejudice and intolerance of all other nations and races has reduced Britain to a pathetic meaningless little island. It won’t be long and Britain will be no more after Scotland has gained it’s independence, Ireland become united. England and Wales will suffer the consequences of their blind bigoted attitude. Brexit is a disaster that will destroy the country. Sadly a lot of poorly educated people still think we are an empire. They have a nasty shock coming to them. Their obsession with Trumpist America is very dangerous. These people gagging to go to war and join America because to them war is just a game. Well if the military experts are right and Iran posses the weapons to do a lot damage then you will end up looking very foolish indeed

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      1. I wish I shared your conviction that Scotland will regain independence…this is not what any of the Westminster parties see in their crystal ball. In fact the changing of conditions for future referendums is blatantly moving the goal posts (as in ’79) to prevent success.
        Ireland is in a much more powerful position. I wish them well as they may all continue to enjoy the benefits of the EU markets and support.
        Scotland, I fear, will be the punching bag and dumping ground for all the hatred and anger that can no longer be projected as ‘too many foreigners’.
        The hate is not going to disappear. English entitlement has been completely empowered. These are very sad times for some of us.

        Liked by 1 person

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  8. 48% of the people did not vote for this and since many didn’t vote at all it was only 52% of the people who voted—not such a great majority as Parliament seems to be.Democracy????

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Good words from NZ, but what has to be considered is that our press and media is now owned and run by mainly right wing extreme wealth who cleverly or brazenly portray the Tory party and their new boy as the sensible option and the Labour party as a dangerous choice as it is being divided and led by a left wing extremist with possible racist tendencies, what tosh and slander. Yes the public is stupid and misled but so many ordinary people believe what is fed to them through the media which, I would say, in the worst newspapers amounts to propaganda and in the others amounts to unfair bias. This is actually very serious, very devious, very destructive and threatens the integrity and freedom of our whole political machinery. Have we really lost our way in the landscape of truth?

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Thank you leftinnewzealand.
      You have hit the nail fairly and squarely bang in the middle of it’s head.
      Everything you say is spot on.
      Problem is by the time the dippy Brexiteers finally realise what they have done it will be too late.
      I remain happy though in the certain belief that as the dumb at an accelerated rate begin to push up the daisies, they will be replaced by the young non-racists and so the country will be once more allied to Europe.
      I never wanted Scotland to leave the family but good luck to them for the future.

      Liked by 2 people

  10. For God’s sake those who are genuine lefties stop this fruitless quarrel. Sure some of us felt disgusted enough with the North voting Tory in large numbers to swear at them. Does not mean we hate them or love them any less. It is like calling your best friend a “bloody fool”.


  11. I voted against the conservatives, having seen what they had done over the past nine years,unfortunately the press owned by conservative billionaires,had the power to vilify Corbyn, personally, I think he was the wrong person to be leading the Labour party,but whoever was in charge would have struggled to defy the power of the press,the interesting thing for me is now Brexiteer could answer the one question I asked them, tell me how we will be better off? Heaven help us for the next five years, I have promised myself not to say “I told you so”.

    Liked by 2 people

  12. Scotland is and always been independent as a country,we more than pay our way with our resources,which are stolen,Westminster had achieved that form of survival from people all over the world.To survive is not quite true thrive is correct. Our history kept under wraps,so that an alternative history could be written.We were shut out of these secret talks for over three years,we could have told you how Westminster operates to get results,in 2014 too many lies and tricks to get a NO result,but are now learning the hard way,they are CORRUPT!! GREEDY,ARROGANT,SELFISH,DELUDED.I have friends and family in England ,GOD HELP THEM!! I would like to call be naive,but are they stupid.The only reason that these parasites took this action was to safeguard their offshore tax avoidance schemes,even the timing to coincide the end of the financial year MARCH 2019!!!. YOUR FUTURE NO PROTECTION,POOR FOOD QUALITY and NO N.H.S. (DO NOT FORGET YOU HAVE ALREADY PAID FOR YOUR HEALTH CARE, YOU WILL BE PAYING AGAIN INTO AN U.S,A. INSURANCE,you might be dragged into more wars,under the TORY DEALS!!??

    Liked by 1 person

    1. This was a UK election, I wasn’t about to go through each area regarding who voted what. This was a rant written shortly the result, not a breakdown of voter preference. I did try to make it clear the differences of opinion between the two nations in the article.


  13. What a shame you haven’t been in the UK, to save all us dumb Brexiteers from our own stupidity. If only we had your inspiring voice, to tell us how thick we are!

    You’ve clearly taken the time to really understand people’s reasons for voting the way they have and have used the immensely successful tactic of throwing childish insults at anyone you disagree with, and who can’t live up to your supreme standards of intellect and knowledge.

    Anyway, I’m going to get back to my crayons now. All this thinking is tough for someone as stupid as me.

    Be sure to keep us British morons in the loop, when we’re making daft decisions again. We’ll look forward to your words of wisdom.


    1. Lets put this piece into context. I know this is not the norm nowadays, but let us try. I wrote this shortly after the result and was angry. I purposely wrote this as a polemic. I am still angry that people put something so abstract that will not improve anyone’s lives such as Brexit in front better health care, education and public services. I certainly don’t support the Remainers anymore than Brexiteers. Either way it still leaves a neoliberal power in place either in Europe or in London. I wrote 5 other articles leading up to the election exploring many aspects, looking into what historically and currently may lead to people voting against their own best interests. For this obviously I used a much more of analytical approach, sadly in the end I was astounded by people’s decision making skills. Although, according to family in the UK, they stated they were overwhelmed with information, plus not being sure what was true or not. Unfortunately this was the strategy of the ruling elite, in an attempt to elicit an emotional response that overrides logic. Four years of unfounded lies about Corbyn, bogus anti-Semitic, IRA and traitor claims, plus party in fighting it’s not totally surprising people turned away from Labour. But, in the end people I suspect like yourself were duped by an establishment figure pretending to be a populist anti-establishment candidate, who couldn’t be anymore establishment if he tried. Johnson did this by re-framing himself as the British hero against the backdrop of an EU establishment. When in fact it has been 40 years of neoliberalism that has destroyed working class areas, not particularly the EU, although they haven’t helped. Anyway, thanks for your comment, next time how about you draw me a picture with your crayons.


  14. Unfortunately, the article is right. Even though our crappy First Past the Post system had a big say in electing Johnson the fact remains millions voted for more austerity and a Brexit, derided by virtually every economist and World leader, that will lead to poverty. Plainly stupid. It will lead to the break up of the UK and that is what is needed. For Wales (where I live), Scotland and Northern Ireland to gain equality on these islands they need to be independent. With Westminster you will not see the wealth generated in London and the South East spread throughout the country, especially with the Tory party in power. Resentment in the rest of the country will only grow. The future? A United Kingdom of independent countries mainly (probably not England) back within the EU.


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